It's supposed to be the best moment of your life - but one groom decided to use the stage to pull a rather risky prank on his wife as they exchanged vows. Photo / Reddit
It's supposed to be the best moment of your life - but one groom decided to use the stage to pull a rather risky prank on his wife as they exchanged vows. Photo / Reddit
It's supposed to be the best moment of your life - but one groom decided to use the stage to pull a rather risky prank on his wife as they exchanged vows.
In a video shared online, the groom was asked to take his bride's hand in marriage.
But instead of grabbing her hand he said "hang on", and left her and family gasping at what was about to unfold.
It's supposed to be the best moment of your life - but one groom decided to use the stage to pull a rather risky prank on his wife as they exchanged vows. Photo / Reddit
The groom walked away from his bride and called his groomsmen into a choreographed huddle, pretending to discuss his big decision with the group, looking up at the bride in unison before he walked back to the bride with his decision.
The groom then returned to hold his bride's hands and saying "yeah, I do", leaving his now wife and their friends and family in stitches.
The video was then uploaded to social media with the caption: "Ladies - at your wedding, would this qualify as an acceptable joke, or a reasonable cause for beheading?"
The bride can be seen laughing along, which others said was 'all that matters'. Photo / Reddit
A number of viewers have since hit out at the groom for his prank, with some describing it as "tacky".
"I personally would hate it. I would probably cry right then and there. It does almost cross into those 'I don't want to get married' jokes that are tacky as f***, but she seemed to be okay with it so it's on thin ice imo," one said.
Another added: "Honestly, I don't appreciate this type of humour, and I would not find it funny if my FH would 'pretend' to have to think about whether or not he'd actually like to marry me as we're standing there about to be wed. I think it's pretty tacky and awkward.
"But if the bride found it funny, that's great for them. For me, it would have slightly ruined the ceremony."
But others thought the prank was memorable, with some describing the stunt as "perfectly executed" and "truly original".
"Look, if she's gotten as far as marrying him then she should know him well enough to judge what he's up to," one said.
Another added: "If they're not already on the same page about these things they've got bigger problems than his sense of humour and timing.
"But it seems pretty obvious from their guests' reactions that this is 100% who he is and that he's a good guy, so no need for anyone to get their garter in a twist."