Google Street View appeared to catch an axe-murder in progress. Police investigated. Image / Google
Google Street View appeared to catch an axe-murder in progress. Police investigated. Image / Google
They are the Google Maps mysteries that sent the internet into a spin.
From possible murders caught on camera to planes found in strange places, these are the images we certainly don't expect to see on our maps or Google Street View.
And while they may seem strange at first, and in some cases sinister, it seems most have a plausible explanation behind them.
Whether they are accidental discoveries, or internet conspiracy theories, here are just a few explanations behind the strangest mysteries involving Google Maps.
The car belonging to David Niles can be seen in the top right hand corner of the lake. Picture / Google Maps
It turns out the picture was taken at the same time a plane flew over the lake, making it appear if it was in the water.
Google spokeswoman Susan Cadrecha told The Minneapolis Star-Tribune the satellite images we see on the map are actually a compilation of several images.
"Fast-moving objects like planes often show up in only one of the many images we use for a given area," she said.
Lake Harriet is also under the flight path of Minneapolis-St Paul Airport.
This image sent the internet into a spin when it appeared a murder had taken place. Image / Google
In 2013, an image posted on Reddit led to a murder probe after people assumed someone had been killed.
Internet users noticed what they thought was a trail of blood in an aerial photo in a park in the city of Almere, Netherlands.
For days people assumed someone had been killed with a dark trail left on the jetty and at least one person standing over an object which is on a jetty jutting into a lake in Beatrixpark.
However the explanation was far less sinister.
By zooming in on the picture, internet users found the object was in fact a dog.
The pet's owner Jacquelina later told The Sun she and a friend had been out swimming and the trail was left after the water-loving dog jumped off the end of the jetty, swam back to shore and ran down the jetty.
In some cases, people have actually taken the opportunity to be part of Google Maps history by putting themselves in the picture.
In 2014 a couple of Scottish mechanics played a prank by pretending to take part in an axe murder while the Google Street view team were around.
The camera car filmed the scene from different angles as it travelled down Giles Street in Leith, which appeared to show a man being attacked.
A member of the public later noticed the image on Google Street View and alerted police in Edinburgh who traced the so-called killer to a mechanics' car repair shop in the same street.
The shop's owner Dan Thompson and his "victim" mechanic Gary Kerr said they decided to create the scene when they saw the camera car approaching.
Fortunately for them the police saw the funny side of things.
This blood-red lake outside Sadr City left many speculating what it could be from. Image / Google
But there are some things that still remain somewhat of a mystery that even Google Maps can't fully explain.
This blood-red lake outside Iraq's Sadr City got the internet excited when it was found back in 2007.
As yet the exact explanation of the colour remains a mystery, Live Science reports with some speculating it could be caused by the blood running from a slaughterhouse.
Others suggest it could be down to pollution or sewerage.