Sticking very much to the script, Dominic Bowden seems happily ensconced in the lap of the state broadcaster. But we suspect the NZ Idol host has done a few too many interviews for women's magazines.
Age: 27.
Status: Single.
How tall are you? 6ft 4in.
Where did you grow up? Mt Albert, Auckland.
Appointment television? Sopranos.
Recommended film? Kaikohe Demolition.
Most played CDs? The Shins, Death Cab for Cutie, The Rapture.
Play sport? Social cricket team, and a league bowling team The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers
So have you been poached by Prime yet?
No, no, no. I love TVNZ. They've been very good to me. Are you doing anything now or are you just waiting for the NZ Idol gravy train to roll around again?
I'm currently filming a Lion Man Christmas special which will go to air on Christmas Eve and I'm also about to start my own radio show, kicking off on More FM this Monday, 7pm to midnight.
Who is your Idol?
My godson Caleb and Paul Henry.
What's so great about Paul Henry?
I really admire him. He sticks to his guns and is an amazing on-screen talent.
Are you as confident as you appear?
There were times when I was extremely nervous, doing a live show to a million people ... The better I prepared, the easier it was for me to think on my feet when things went wrong.
What are your insecurities?
Not fulfilling people's expectations but as my mum always says you can't please everyone all of the time!
What do you say to those who say the Idol format is manufactured pop and therefore not as good?
The thing to remember is that Idol gives young, talented New Zealanders the opportunity to perform on a national stage. Working on the show really opened my eyes to the amazing amount of extremely talented young people out there. And if Idol can give them the chance to showcase their talent, that's great!
But were expectations hyped-up and unrealistic?
There was a lot of expectation, but I think we delivered.
But it's harder for Idols to make it after the prime-time has gone?
Idol is there to showcase the talent, which is a great start. But ultimately it's up to the individual to be hungry and really want it. Being in the top 60 has given some of them a little taste and given them that hunger.
Have you noticed, unlike the music industry, many Idol winners are not that attractive?
I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder, at least that's what my mum tells me!
Best part of NZ Idol?
Working on a show of that intensity you form close-knit relationships with the people you work with, from my director to my soundie to all the amazing talent.
And worst?
Saying goodbye each week to these people.
It can't have always been such a love-in?
The live part can be high stress ... and you've always got to deliver.
Ever had a stalker experience?
A woman followed me home once. She saw the car and me in it and decided to follow me home. Then she and her three kids knocked on my door and asked me what Luke was really like.
What are your plans for Christmas Day?
I will spend the morning with my family then a bunch of us from TVNZ are jumping in a helicopter and heading to some children's hospitals around Auckland to give out presents, it's gonna be really cool!
Top five things on your mind?
New Year in Matapouri.
Team America: World Police.
Buying a house.
World domination.
Will I get a chance to open the bowling for our social cricket team?
Frontman sticks to TVNZ’s script on Idol antics
Dominic Bowden
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