We’ve officially reached the time of year when it’s okay to have the “it’s Easter already?” water cooler chat.
Maybe you enjoy Easter for the four day weekend, perhaps it’s more for the colder weather - who doesn’t love a cosy movie in front of the fire place after all?
Or maybe Easter is the best time of year because your favourite type of chocolate has finally hit the shelves again. You see it in the supermarket. It sees you and, without hesitation, you run to the checkout to reunite with your one chocolatey love like you’re Allie and Noah from The Notebook.
Unless you’re an absolute wild card of a human, chances are you’ve got one Easter treat that beats all the rest. Today, we have a hot take on what your choice says about you.
You’re cool, maybe even a bit of a legend. Sure, you’re probably a millennial but definitely the cool kind that uses TikTok and can talk to your younger sister using all the lush Gen Z lingo. Do you feel bonita? Yes, you do feel bonita and that’s exactly how you know Mini Eggs are the Queen B of Easter eggs.
Creme egg
Creme Egg. Photo / The Warehouse
Honestly, I understood it once upon a time but now all I have is questions. You peaked in high school, were voted “most likely to succeed” but it’s well over a decade later and you are having a bit of a quarter-life crisis. Creme eggs are your emotional support treat of choice because they take you back to the good old days.
Maltesers Bunny
Maltesers Bunny. Photo / The Warehouse
These are the AF1 Nike of the Easter eggs. They’re popular, loved by many, hated by your grandparents who just don’t understand why you would ruin a good outfit with sneakers - sorry, why you would ruin perfectly good chocolate with malt. You love reading on a Sunday but the book must have a shocking plot twist or you’ll get bored. Actually, that kind of sums up your life.
You likely grew up with uber-rich parents who never let you go to The Warehouse or wear anything unbranded. You enunciate perfectly because you went to private school and can completely understand why Kim Kardashian had a meltdown when she lost her diamond earring in the ocean. At the start of each year, you create a lush vision board and all Easter means is it’s one month until you return to Europe for your annual three-month vacay.
Kinder Surprise
Kinder Surprise. Photo / The Warehouse
Are you five or are you 35? We’ll never know and honestly, we don’t care. Life can be pretty mundane so it’s understandable you enjoy the egg that comes with an extra treat inside.
T-Rex Giant egg
T-Rex Giant egg. Photo / The Warehouse
You’re all about quantity not quality. This egg might be almost $20 and taste like those coin chocolates you got from the dollar shop but you don’t care because it’s also massive and has a sick pic of a T-Rex on the front. Your entire family says you’re going to be an entrepreneur one day because you already understand consumerism.
Marshmallow eggs
Marshmallow eggs. Photo / The Warehouse
You’re not sure what the status quo is and you don’t care. You stand out from the crowd and love to ride your own wave without realising it. You definitely don’t drink coffee, not because you don’t like it but because you’ve got a sweet tooth and would rather have a hot chocolate with two marshmallows. Every two weeks you have a new obsession and this week it’s going back to university to study something super niche.
Caramello eggs
Caramello eggs. Photo / The Warehouse
One thing about you is you’re full of surprises. You may look really put together, have nice clothes, look like you’ve recently been to the hairdresser and smell amazing, but anyone who knows you, like really knows you, knows you’re chaotic as hell. You live life on the edge, your phone is always on three per cent, you’re never home before 11pm, have a witty response for any situation and your friends never come to your for advice because they know your answer is always going to be tequila.
Crunchie egg
Crunchie. Photo / The Warehouse
Probably a people pleaser, you spend your entire life giving everyone a little piece of yourself which is why you can relate so much to the Crunchie. You are your bestie’s unqualified counsellor, your sibling’s second mum, at work you are likely second in charge and when it comes to yourself you are a bit of a hot mess. But it’s fine because everyone loves you and you’re making everyone happy which is the ultimate form of happiness, right? RIGHT?!