Frightening photo proves kids should never wear blue swimwear. Can you spot the child in the pool? Photo / Facebook, CPR Kids
Frightening photo proves kids should never wear blue swimwear. Can you spot the child in the pool? Photo / Facebook, CPR Kids
A frightening photo is going viral on social media proving why your children should never wear blue swimwear, and it's making parents sick to their stomach.
At first glance, the photo appears to show an empty swimming pool.
But if you look more closely a darker patch of water shows a young child wearing light blue shorts swimming towards the bottom of the pool, with the water becoming murky from sunscreen after hours of use.
The picture uploaded to the Australian Facebook group CPR Kids, which is run by registered nurses, advising children should be dressed in bright colours so they are visible in a pool.
Can you spot the child in the pool? Photo / Facebook, CPR Kids
Frightening photo proves kids should never wear blue swimwear. Can you spot the child in the pool? Photo / Facebook, CPR Kids
Nurse and director of CPR Kids Sarah Hunstead told Daily Mail Australia it is imperative that parents "actively supervise" their children whenever they are poolside this summer.
"When it comes to supervision, you always need to remember that even though there may be lots of people around, they're not necessarily looking at the kids," Hunstead said.
"The 'active' is what's important. That means you're not reading, you're not on your phone, you're not chatting to anyone else."
One parent from the group opened up about the moment her child nearly drowned, saying the silent nature of how it happens is "sobering" yet "confronting".
The woman said she was sitting on the edge of the pool watching her little child play when another person suddenly jumped in after noticing an issue.
"He grabbed my child before I had even realised he was struggling," she wrote.
"My child never made a sound. I was within arms reach and was distracted in thought."
Hundreds of people commented on the page's original photo saying how terrifying it can quickly go wrong.
"That is so scary! I couldn't see the child at all," one woman said.
"Oh my god, how terrifying," another said.
A third wrote: "This makes me feel sick."
Parents are now calling clothing retail stores to sell more bright-coloured swimming items with some saying they're hard to find, especially in boys togs.
A number of parents have since said they will always dress their children in fluoro swimwear moving forward.
"All future swimwear is going to be hideous and fluoro," one mum wrote, tagging in her husband.