Salmon, olive oil and green vegetables all play a part in banishing wrinkles. Photo / Getty Images
Salmon, olive oil and green vegetables all play a part in banishing wrinkles. Photo / Getty Images
Anti-ageing skin creams promise to turn back time and give you younger looking skin - but they can cost hundreds of dollars.
Now leading London nutritionist Lily Soutter has exclusively examined the evidence for FEMAIL Food&Drink which suggests that eating the right foods can help banish the wrinkles too.
Soutter has reviewed research that looks at claims that certain foods and drinks can help rejuvenate your appearance.
And she finds that there are links between some foods and a wrinkle-free, more youthful complexion.
From sweet potato to kiwifruit, these are the food and drinks we should be eating more if to keep wrinkles at bay.
"It's been estimated that three quarters of adults within the UK are failing to eat the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables each day and one study indicates that this may have a negative impact on ageing skin," Soutter told FEMAIL.
"This cross-sectional study measured the skin hydration levels and elasticity of 716 Japanese women. It concluded that a higher intake of green and yellow vegetables [two or more servings per day] was associated with decreased wrinkling.
"Further research needs to be conducted before we can confirm whether these vegetables can slow the ageing process, however few would disagree with the fact that we could all do with a little more greenery in our diet."
"Kiwifruit has almost double the amount of vitamin C per 100g in comparison to oranges and vitamin C is a critical nutrient required for collagen production.
"If there is one thing that keeps skin looking youthful and supple, it's collagen. Collagen is the structural component of skin and as we age production declines which can lead to wrinkle formation and sagging skin.
"One interesting study using data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES] found that a higher dietary intake of vitamin C was associated with a lower likelihood of wrinkled appearance and senile dryness.
"Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, with high concentrations being found within the skin. This nutrient can help to protect against environmental factors, which can speed up the ageing process such as sun damage.
"Whilst there is no clear evidence or consensus of the optimal dose of vitamin C in relation to its anti-ageing effects, regular consumption of vitamin C rich foods such as kiwifruit is essential for long-term health."
"Astaxanthin is an antioxidant, which is responsible for wild salmon's bright pink colour and is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties," said Soutter.
"One study found that women who were given a high dose of astaxanthin didn't see any changes to their skin but those given a placebo or a lower dose saw their skin moisture content decrease and their skin condition worsen. The study concluded that astaxanthin supplementation might inhibit age-related skin deterioration.
"Whilst this is certainly exciting preliminary research, it's important to remember that as much as 250g wild sockeye salmon would need to be consumed daily just to reach levels found within this study which would exceed our weekly recommended intake of oily fish."
"The bright orange hue of sweet potato comes from an antioxidant called beta-carotene. Sun damage is one of the biggest causes of premature skin ageing and research suggests that beta-carotene may play a role in protecting the skin against harmful free radicals found in UV sun radiation.
"Whilst it certainly can't compare to sunscreen, there is evidence that beta-carotene may play a role in protecting against sunburn, which ultimately would lead to wrinkles.
"Interestingly beta-carotene isn't just found in sweet potato, it's also found in other orange and green vegetables such as carrots, butternut squash, and spinach. Since beta-carotene is a fat-soluble antioxidant, for optimal absorption it's best consumed alongside healthy fats such as olive oil."
"Olive oil is a rich source of healthy monounsaturated fats and research suggests that regular consumption is significantly associated with skin elasticity and firmness.
"One large study of 1264 women and 1655 men aged 45-60 showed that dietary intakes of monounsaturated fats derived from olive oil were least likely to have sun damage.
"There is a wealth of evidence supporting the benefits of replacing saturated fat within our diet with monounsaturated fat such as olive oil for all aspects of health."
Green tea has long been associated with clear skin. Photo / Getty Images
"Green tea is packed with antioxidants and one study found that these antioxidants were able to protect against ageing UV sun radiation whilst helping to improve the skin quality of women," said Lily.
"In the study, tea-drinking volunteers noted a 16 per cent reduction in skin roughness, a 25 per cent reduction in scaling, as well as improved skin elasticity and hydration.