It's about this time of the year when summer produce may begin to lose its charm - for some!
Tomatoes ripening faster than we know what to do with, beautifully ripe stone fruit becoming a little neglected ... But in a few months the temperatures will cool, and these delicious flavours will be lost until the end of the year and the promise of warm weather appears on the horizon.
So the message today is to gather up some jars - designer or antique/junk shop - then head out to a local market - so much better than the supermarket for quality, price and atmosphere - and buy up a box or two of whatever looks good.
Tomato kassundi is basically a relish but originating in Bangladesh, it is bursting with flavour and heat and goes brilliantly with curry, roti, and on sandwiches with cold meat.
Bread and butter pickles are incredibly simple and once packed into jars make a great pressie, but they are also rather impressive when brought out to enjoy with cheeses, bread and perhaps pate with a glass of wine. Everyone loves something home-made!
Home-made jam is hard to beat. Nectarines, peaches and apricots all produce a fine example so give it a go. Add flavours like vanilla, cardamom, or ginger. Toasted bagels, crumpets or scones will never taste so good!
Chef's tip
To sterilise jars, you just need to wash them thoroughly in hot soapy water then drain and dry in an oven at 150C for 15 minutes.