If your beauty products aren't doing what they're supposed to, it may be worth swapping potions for natural remedies. Photo / Getty Images
If your beauty products aren't doing what they're supposed to, it may be worth swapping potions for natural remedies. Photo / Getty Images
From facial oils to expensive serums, there's a myriad of products that promise to help women get their skin looking glowing and healthy.
But if your beauty products aren't doing what they're supposed to, it may be worth swapping potions for natural remedies.
From turmeric to halt the signs of ageing, to shatavari for excess hair, the following herbs can help settle your hormones and get your skin back to its best, reports The Daily Mail.
Medical herbalist Katie Pande tells FEMAIL: "When our hormones are out of balance, it can really affect the appearance. Acne outbreaks, hairy nipples and thinning hair can all be a sign your hormones are misbehaving."
Here, Katie gives the lowdown on the natural remedies that can help bring you back in balance.
Tired of shelling out for expensive creams? Turmeric is just one of the herbs that will support collagen production and keep your skin looking supple and youthful. Photo / Getty Images
"Oestrogen affects our skin in many ways, like helping maintain skin moisture and stimulating the production of collagen - the protein that keeps our skin supple and youthful," Katie explains.
"So when oestrogen drops during the menopause, skin starts to thin and more wrinkles appear.
"Younger women who have low levels of oestrogen may also see these changes happen more quickly. To help maintain young-looking skin, make sure you're getting a good intake of protein, as well as fruits and vegetables containing lots of vitamin C, such as kiwi fruits, red peppers and broccoli.
"These will support collagen production to keep your skin supple. The herbs shatavari, turmeric and gotu kola can both be helpful for supporting skin health."
Excess hair: Liquorice
Liquorice but not as you know it! The herb - along with red clover and green tea - can help reduce the build-up of testosterone which can lead to unwanted hair growth in women. Photo / Getty Images
"Unwanted hair growth can be a particularly troubling symptom of hormone imbalances in women. Although it's often seen on the face, it can also affect other parts of the body, including the nipples!
"This increase in body hair can be a sign of raised levels of 'male' hormones such as testosterone (which women actually do need, but in small amounts).
"Try sipping on herbal teas containing the herbs liquorice, red clover and also green tea, as well as increasing your intake of 'cruciferous' vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage, as these help reduce testosterone build-up."
Stressed skin (psoriasis, eczema and inflammation): Neem
Sipping on herbs such as neem (pictured), turmeric and dandelion can help keep the skin cool and calm. Photo / Getty Images
"In terms of how stress affects the skin, higher levels of the stress hormones cortisol causes our skin glands to produce higher levels of oil, which can influence skin break-outs.
"Similarly, it can disrupt the skin's normal environment and aggravate chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema and increase inflammation and redness.
"Herbs such as neem, turmeric and dandelion are excellent for keeping the skin cool and calm. An Ayurvedic herbal hero for tackling stress is Holy Basil. Drank as a tea, this herb can help balance your stress response."
Acne: Shatavari
Shatavari, can help re-balance levels of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone and help to prevent acne and outbreaks for those suffering from hormonal skin breakouts. Photo / Getty Images
"Acne and hormonal skin breakouts aren't the preserve of teenagers; they can also affect grown women.
"Outbreaks can be caused by a drop in oestrogen levels and a relative increase in 'male' hormones such as testosterone, which tends to happen just before our period and during the menopause.
"Try a herbal hormonal balancing supplement containing shatavari, such as Pukka Herbs Womankind capsules.
"Shatavari is traditional Ayurvedic herb that can help re-balance levels of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone and help to prevent acne and outbreaks."