How well do you know your moggy?
They're lactose-intolerant
It's a long-held misconception that cats love lapping up a bowl of milk. In reality, the consumption of everyday cows' milk can cause upset stomachs, cramps or even diarrhoea for our poor feline friends. Why? Because cats lack the enzyme lactase, which aids the digestion of lactose.
Cats don't meow at other cats
Cats meow for all kinds of reasons but did you know that they're almost always trying to get the attention of humans? Cats don't meow at each other - just at people. That is for all kinds of reasons - if they're hungry, feeling social or if they just want a bit of love and attention.
Cats are capable of about 100 distinct vocalisations
Speaking of kitty communication, did you know that cats can make over 100 kinds of vocal sounds? You only have to compare this statistic with dogs - who can only make around 10 kinds of vocalisations - to get a sense of just how impressive that is.
Domestic cats sleep an average of 15 hours a day
This is one of those facts that seasoned cat owners will recognise from experience. Most cats sleep 15 hours a day on average, with some breeds requiring up to 20 hours of snooze time per day. They're also the most active between dusk and dawn, meaning they sleep mostly during the day (and if they're lucky, in a nice patch of sunlight beaming through the window).