Feel the need to boost your tired repertoire of dishes in the kitchen? Try a cooking class. From a few hours in the weekend to a term of night classes, from chocolate to cheesemaking, there are classes to suit your every culinary urge — and you get to eat your creations (for better or worse). Here are some tasty places to start.
1: Sachie's Kitchen
Surely the most fragrant classroom in New Zealand, this Parnell school headed by Sachie Nomura, right, focuses on Asian food - sushi making, Hanoi street food, Thai banquets, Indian curries. Next class: Taste of Malaysia, tomorrow 6.30pm-9pm, $89.
2: Main Course
This cooking school, run out of the atmospheric Auckland Gas Company building alongside Victoria Park, has been around since 2003. It offers a range of classes, from basic skills and ethnic cooking to cheesemaking and kids' classes. Next class: Namaste India, Wednesday at 6pm, $99.