Dr Carol Cooper, a medical journalist, says there's no hangover cure, only relief for some of the symptoms. Video / Molly Floyd
As the nation wakes after bidding farewell to 2021 and welcoming in 2022, there are sure to be a few sore heads.
While celebrating with loved ones was well called for after the year that was, there's nothing worse than over-indulging in the hard stuff and leaving yourself in a hung-over state.
While there's no miracle cure for hangovers, a doctor has shared her top tips to alleviate the horrendous symptoms during the festive season.
Dr Carol Cooper, a medical journalist, says typical hangover symptoms are primarily due to dehydration, stomach irritation and low blood sugar levels.
Drinking water helps beat a throbbing headache. Photo / Getty Images
Drink water
Dr Carol says while it's simple, drinking lots of water and clear fluids keeps the body hydrated.
She says it's more effective and cheaper than the isotonic drinks.
"The sooner you start fighting dehydration, the faster your head will stop throbbing.
"Even better, take fluids on board before symptoms set in."
Take painkillers
"There's evidence that alcohol also causes inflammation inside your head, so, if your stomach can take it, consider anti-inflammatory tablets like ibuprofen.
"Paracetamol can work but it's more toxic to the liver. Just make sure you have a bite to eat with an ibuprofen."
Eat carbs
A lot of us try to avoid carbs but Carol told the Sun to stock up before your booze binge.
She says while greasy burgers are often too much for the stomach and can trigger heartburn, that having something like honey on toast or a bacon roll will do the trick.
It works by boosting blood sugar levels without the heavy grease.
"Just choose something bland that's easy to prepare and easy to keep down."
Clear soup
Dr Carol says using leftover veges and turning them into soup is a great way to help soothe the hangover.
"A thin vegetable [or beef-based] broth helps top up lost vitamins and minerals.
"It's light on the stomach and comforting to sip."
If ibuprofen doesn't cure your hangover, Carol said you should consider taking an antacid tablet after a day or night of drinking, before you go to bed.
"If you have heartburn or feel queasy, a simple antacid can help.
The trick is a known favourite of doctors who have previously dubbed it a "lifesaver" thanks to the fact antacids reduce nausea, heartburn and indigestion symptoms – all of which can be caused by excessive drinking.
They can be as cheap as $2 and can be purchased at pharmacies.
An easy decision for most! But it is seriously a game-changer. You can sleep through the most unpleasant period of your hangover, allowing you to function better when you do get up and move.
"Take a nap if you can," Carol advised.
"Once you wake up, you may be over the worst of your hangover."
Get fresh air
For those just wanting to spend the whole day in bed to nurse the hangover, you might want to have a rethink.
Carol stressed the importance of fresh air for nursing a headache and said: "It'll help clear your head and make you feel a bit more normal again."
I know ... It's the last thing you want to do. But it'll help stimulate you and get through the hangover more quickly.
Getting rid of the bloat will help those hangover feels.
Eat foods rich in zinc and vitamin B
As much as you might want to tuck into the leftover charcuterie board, if you want to cure your banging headache, a healthier lunch might just be the answer.