People know you for being Alex Perry - the fashion guy who wears his sunglasses on top of his hairless head. How did that signature look come about?
Alex Perry: I used to flip them on to my head - I just never lost them like that. Then people noticed that I did it and then it became a thing. I've just kind of always done it. Of course they're there (on purpose now). I love that it pisses some people off! I don't care what you think. The fact that you think about my sunglasses on my head and actually have an opinion on it I think is hilarious. I knew it was happening and I did it consciously, of course I knew what I was doing.
It's only your first visit here, but what are your broader observations on the way New Zealand people approach fashion?
I think Kiwi women dress like Australian women dress. It's a little bit more relaxed, because it's a more relaxed lifestyle here. New Zealand women are very aware of what's happening fashion trend wise, I think they travel really well. You dress a certain way when you're at home but I've met a lot of New Zealand women when they travel all over the world and they're beautiful when they're doing it.