In the market for a new handbag that works in any situation? There's nothing wrong with playing it safe, and classic black handbags provide plenty of versatility.
Whether its pleather or the real deal, there's a wide range of bags available - from both high-end and high-street retailers. The trick is to narrow down your options to the most elegant-looking style and one that offers ample room for your belongings.

Take, for example, the cleverly designed 'Mr Stitcher' handbag made from bovine leather; it nods to classic easy access knitting bags with dual internal phone pockets and 100 per cent black cotton lining to reduce markings.
And if chain store buys aren't your bag (pun intended), why not look at supporting younger, local designers such as Georgia Jay, who hand makes her bags with locally sourced materials for a special, one-of-a-kind finish.