Meet Stacey Hunt. She loves wine, hates protein powder and has zero willpower. How hard could sticking to a gruelling eight-week fitness challenge be?
I came into week seven, the final stage of the challenge, slightly on the back foot.
Any avid followers of this fascinating fitness journey (hi mum) will have noticed there was no week six. That's because week six would have been titled "Week six: My Hawaiian holiday featuring doughnuts, beer and pancakes".
Following a strict food plan while on holiday definitely wasn't an option for me, I love trying new foods when I'm overseas. Restaurants in Hawaii also seem to love to print the calories next to the meals on menus so it was great to know I'd eaten a whole day's worth of recommended calories in one slice of cheesecake...
Unfortunately, I probably threw a lot of my hard work out the window during that one week. Do I regret it? Absolutely not.