"You literally get everything you need from potatoes. Everybody knows they've got lots of carbs but they have enough protein and fat and potatoes are really good for fibre, vitamin C and iron."
No competent doctor in the world would prescribe such a restricted eating plan - Australian health guidelines promote eating a balanced diet of carbohydrates, vegetables, fruit, dairy and fats - but experts say the plan actually isn't all bad.
"For the money and your blood pressure, you can't beat a traditional baked spud," says Joan Salge Blake, a clinical nutrition professor at Boston University.
Australian Popular Science reports white potatoes do contain all the essential amino acids you need to build proteins, repair cells, and fight diseases.
Five potatoes a day will cover that base, however, experts eating nothing but white potatoes will eventually cause vitamin deficiencies.
"That's where sweet potatoes come in," wrote journalist Ellen Airhart.
"Including these orangey ones in the mix - technically, they belong to a different taxonomic family than white potatoes - increases the likelihood that the potato consumer will get their recommended daily dose of Vitamin A, the organic compound in carrots that your mum told you could make you see in the dark, and vitamin E.
"No one on a diet of sweet potatoes and white potatoes would get scurvy, a famously horrible disease that happens due to a lack of vitamin C and causes the victim's teeth to fall out."
However, you need to eat a lot of spuds to get the balance right.
Taylor ate three to four kilograms of potatoes each day.
He'd take his own potatoes to friends' dinner parties, call restaurants in advance to make sure the chef was willing to cook him some spuds, and he even microwaved his own spuds in his hotel room during a trip to Los Angeles.
According to regular check-ups from his doctor, his health was OK.
"My health just continues to improve. I had high cholesterol but now it's low, my blood pressure has dropped and my sugar level has dropped," he said.
"Every time I get a new blood test, it just gets better."
However, Australian Popular Science warns white potatoes have a carbohydrate that causes blood sugar to spike and then dip, which puts a strain on the insulin system, and reports people who eat a lot of them are actually more likely to get diabetes and become obese.
Taylor bucked that trend, which he attributes to the fact his diet wasn't necessarily about losing weight, but teaching himself to find joy in something other than food.
"I was clinically depressed last year and eating potatoes has really helped me with that ... I am not taking any antidepressants and I feel like I'm completely over that and I'm sleeping better too," he said.
"Eating only potatoes has improved my life in more ways than I could ever imagine."