After talking to multiple pharmacists to confirm my answer to your question, it’s clear that we all need more direction around what to do with old medications alongside a more precise understanding of what happens to them and why. Most of us have a cupboard filled with expired or unused medications that sit there simply because we don’t know what to do with them!
Several years ago when I found out I could drop my unused medications to the pharmacy, I was stoked. I gleefully dropped them off at my local pharmacy while imagining my unused medications saving someone’s life (because they wouldn’t have had access to the medications if not for my donation), and jumped back on my bike with a smug smile. Unfortunately, my altruism was misguided and false.

In the majority of cases, medications are incinerated on return. More toxic medications, like cytotoxics, are sent offshore to be incinerated as we don’t have the technology to do this in New Zealand. Incinerating them properly is much safer for the environment than throwing them away and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) strongly discourages flushing them down the toilet or sink too.