Q: Someone told me the way most people do laundry is unsustainable and ruins our clothes. Is this true? How can I do my laundry better?
Unfortunately, it’s true! Too many people throw a piece of clothing in the wash simply because they’ve worn it, rather than if it’s dirty. I’ll walk you through a sustainable laundry routine so you can pick and choose what techniques you can use in your own systems. I acknowledge that I don’t have a messy job or sticky children (why are they always sticky?), but these tips are still valid for everyone and I know many large chaotic households who have incredible sustainable laundry schemes.
A sustainable laundry system starts with the understanding that every time your clothes go through a washing cycle, they shed fibres, which lowers their longevity. With this in mind, plus consideration for water conservation, throwing clothes in the wash is a last resort instead of the default. If a garment smells bad, consider all options. Is it mild? Hang it up in the sunshine and wind it out. My husband does this with his shirts and it works a treat. Is the smell too strong? Assess whether the smell is localised enough to spot wash it. I have dresses that I’ve worn for years that have never seen the inside of a washing machine. I spot wash the armpits if they get smelly.