My personal favourite wrapping method is material. Old sheets, scarves, irreparable dresses, beautiful tea towels, and pillow-cases; most of these things are found in excess throughout a home or can be purchased for a few dollars at a second-hand store. Simply wrap your gift using a clever knot in the fabric or tie it up with a ribbon.
If you’re feeling extra crafty, sew your fabric to fit the gift or turn it into a drawstring bag so that the wrapping becomes an extra present. Tote bags are an epic premade wrapping tool too - and if your cupboard is like mine, you will have lots of tote bags to spare.
Moving on from classy fabric wrapping, think of paper that already exists in your home that you could live without. Kid’s pictures that didn’t quite make it to the pinboard or have exhausted the fridge, sheet music you’ll never end up playing, pages from old books that will never be read. Newspaper is the classic go-to and comes free in your letterbox.
Repurpose the ribbons you were gifted during the year and you’ve got a unique looking gift covered in stories, music, or art.
Honestly, if you scavenged around your house with an open mind and a pair of scissors, I bet you would find enough gift-wrapping solutions for years to come. The trick is to save your wrapping paper, fabric, boxes, ribbons, and string and reuse them year after year.
My family don’t usually give tangible gifts at Christmas (we give experiences and vouchers instead), but my nieces know that during present time at their birthday parties or Christmases, they make a pile of wrapping materials for Aunty Kate to repurpose.