"He's been saying things to our children - we have three, my eldest (8) hasn't paid any attention to what his father has said he knows that what he's saying is horrible, wrong and racist.
"He's told me he thinks his dad is a bully for saying these things.
"My daughter on the other hand has taken in everything he has said to her and won't listen when I tell her it's wrong and try to explain why. I'm at a loss as to what to do now I don't want her growing up racist and thinking these things... A few days ago she told me her and her dad had a secret but she wasn't aloud to tell me, this scared me and eventually I got it out of her, their secret was they don't like people with black skin. I've spoken to her dad about this and he just finds it funny."
The mother explained that her daughter won't listen when she tries to explain why her behaviour is wrong.
Fellow parents were sympathetic and encouraged her to approach her daughter's school for help.
"Talking to school is a good idea. They might have some good advice and you can agree a joint approach," one mother wrote.
"I think you should talk to the school if you feel shes not taking what you're saying in maybe they can do a lesson on racism and consequences etc what did they do for black history month? Maybe next year get her more involved by getting her to do research on it and finding out the history," another said.
One person also suggested asking a friend with dark skin to talk to her daughter about why racist comments are hurtful and why it is unacceptable.
A teacher also responded suggesting she discussed differences and similarities between people, as well as buying an "age-appropriate" book to teach her about different races.