A second young elephant has died at a central New York zoo despite frantic efforts by staff to combat a lethal virus, zoo officials said Friday.
"This is obviously the worst possible outcome, and it occurred after more than a week of intensive care by our team in hopes that every day Batu survived gave him a better chance to beat this horrible disease," Rosamond Gifford Zoo Director Ted Fox said.
The 5-year-old male elephant died early Friday morning, days after the sudden death Tuesday of his younger brother, Ajay. Ajay died just before his second birthday. Both died from Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpes Virus, a strain of herpes that targets Asian elephants.
Batu had been in treatment since last week when a blood test came back positive for the virus, the zoo said in a statement. The elephant received medications and infusions of plasma but the viral load of EEHV in its blood grew exponentially by the day.
Early Friday morning, eight days after testing positive, "he laid down to rest and never got up," Fox said.