As you tune in to the live election coverage, here's what to eat and drink to keep you going. Photo / Getty Images
As you tune in to the live election coverage, here's what to eat and drink to keep you going. Photo / Getty Images
As election night approaches, maybe you’re planning to head out on the town in your party-themed sweater (sans logos, of course), intending to drown your sorrows quietly, or planning a TV marathon from the comfort of your own home.
With the weather promising to be wet and wild across much of the country tomorrow, the comfort of your couch and TV is calling. So why not plan a party at yours with plenty of snacks and drinks to sustain you as the votes roll in?
In the lead-up to the showdown, the Herald has whipped up a list of election night-themed delicacies to keep you sustained while the votes are counted – with a little bit of help from a celebrity chef and one of Auckland’s top bartenders.
One wonders if Chris Hipkins is sick of sausage rolls yet after this campaign, but the humble pastry has earned its place as a go-to Kiwi party snack. Just make sure you’ve got plenty of tomato sauce in the fridge.
Thai chicken sausage rolls. Picture / Guy Coombes.
Cheese rolls
Southland sushi gave the sausie roll a run for its money as the political snack of choice this year, so why not serve up a plate of them on election night?
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson told TV Guide that Toffee Pops are her biscuit of choice. These are sure to go fast.
Stock up on biscuits for the big night. Photo / Supplied
Greens co-leader James Shaw’s favourite bikkie is the trusty Gingernut. Pass these round after dinner with a cup of tea ready for dunking.
Tom yum soup
Whip up a seafood-filled soup a la NZ First’s Winston Peters circa 2005.
Or if you’re feeling fancy, you can whip up some canapes inspired by celebrity chef Michael Van de Elzen, who created these tasty flavour combos back in 2017 inspired by four of the political parties’ colours.
Mini blueberry wholemeal crumbles with Blue Curacao ice cream.
Bartender James Millar is one of Auckland’s most skilled bartenders and the name behind beloved bars like Ponsonby’s Mea Culpa and Clipper (rest in peace).
Back in 2017, he created a few election-themed cocktails for the Herald on Sunday. So as the big day approaches and you’re wondering what to serve on the night that’s not a chardonnay or Corona, what better time to bring them back?
Whip these up in your kitchen and on the night, take a sip each time you spot someone named Chris (and of course, drink responsibly).
Whip up an election-themed cocktail menu in your own kitchen. Photo / 123rf
Once you’re sorted for snacks, settle in and tune in to the live coverage on TV.
Where to watch
The New Zealand Herald
Don’t miss a moment with the Herald’s live video and breaking coverage – – tonight. Plus be sure to catch our post-election analysis and commentary in tomorrow’s Herald on Sunday.