VANCOUVER, British Columbia - A confrontation between Hollywood actress Denise Richards and paparazzi that saw an elderly bystander hit with flying laptop computer is under investigation, police said today.
Richards, 35, got angry at photographers trying to take her picture on the set of the movie Blonde and Blonder at a casino near Vancouver yesterday, and tossed the laptop of a photographer from a lobby balcony, witnesses told local media.
The machine hit an elderly woman in the lobby, but did not cause major injuries, although paramedics were called to the scene.
The woman was not interested in filing charges, but the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said the incident was still under investigation.
Richards, whose divorce from actor Charlie Sheen titillated the tabloids this year, is co-starring in the movie with Pamela Anderson, who has complained about the conduct of paparazzi around the movie set.
Richards has appeared in the movies Wild Things, Starship Troopers and Scary Movie 3.