Beans on toast possess a host of nutritional value. Photo / 123RF
Beans on toast possess a host of nutritional value. Photo / 123RF
New research has revealed nearly a third of 11 to 16-year-olds believe they can include strawberry jam as part of their daily fruit and veg intake, while a further 11 per cent think fruit pastilles count towards their five-a-day.
Over 500 children in the UK were questioned as part of the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) poll for its Healthy Eating Week.
Roy Ballam, BNF managing director and head of education said: "Schools and families can and should successfully work together to, in turn, educate children and then motivate them in their endeavours to make healthier choices.
"Furthermore, the links between physical activity, health and diet should be frequently highlighted by the Government's programmes."
To make things a little easier for everyone, we rounded up eight surprisingly easy ways to get your five-a-day.
While baked beans may not seem like much, they actually possess a host of nutritional value and count towards your five-a-day.
According to the British Heart Foundation, baked beans are a good source of carbohydrate and protein and also contain essential vitamins and minerals: "However, they only count as one portion, regardless of the amount or type you eat (a portion is 80g, or three heaped tablespoons of cooked beans).
"Even if your meal contains both chickpeas and lentils, this only counts as one portion. Baked beans also count, so beans on toast or a jacket potato is a portion, but make sure you opt for reduced-sugar and reduced-salt versions."
Add some veges to your takeaway pizza to make it count. Photo / 123RF
In 2014 government nutritionists announced they wanted to relax the criteria for displaying the official five-a-day logo, claiming it was too strict and often led to "crazy" exclusions.
Previously food or drink had to contain 100 per cent fruit or vegetable to be eligible for the five-a-day stamp on its packaging. Now guidelines state it must have either 80g of fresh, canned and/or frozen fruit and vegetables or 30g of dried fruit to count as one five-a-day portion.
This means you can add a portion of mushrooms or other vegetables to takeaway meals such as pizza and still have it count towards your five-a-day.
3. Stir fry
You can easily pack a stir fry full of veges. Photo / 123RF
A good stir fry is an excellent way of getting up to three portions of your five-a-day as you can easily pack it to the brim with vegetables.
BBC Good Food recommend going for a "wide and colourful selection" of vegetables including red and green peppers, onion, broccoli, beansprouts and sweet potatoes.
If you don't want to use fresh vegetables, you can use frozen mixed veg instead and still get the same portions of your five-a-day.
4. Smoothies
Smoothies count for at least one of your five-a-day. Photo / 123RF
Smoothies count for at least one portion of your five-a-day. Jenny Rosborough, campaign manager of Action on Sugar said: "Smoothies can be an option for adults or children who are struggling to get their five-a-day. But they shouldn't count as more than one as they are not as good a choice as having a whole portion of fruit or veg.
"You end up consuming a lot more sugar, a lot less fibre and feel less full than if you had eaten a portion of fruit."
Try to make your smoothies from whole fruit rather than adding juices, as these contain higher amounts of fibre.
5. Fries
Sweet potato fries can be a healthy option. Photo / 123RF
A plate of fries might not seem like the healthiest option, but a helping of sweet potatoes fries counts towards your five-a-day because, according to the NHS, they are "usually eaten in addition to the starchy food part of the meal."
The BHF add that sweet potatoes are a good source of the antioxidant beta-carotene which converts into vitamin A, the vitamin responsible for good vision, eye health, and a strong immune system.
6. Hummus
Hummus can contribute to your five-a-day. Photo / 123RF
Not only is hummus an aphrodisiac (the main ingredient increases blood circulation and...internal lubrication), but it also counts towards your five-a-day - as long as it's reduced fat.
Serve it alongside a plate of chopped carrots or cucumbers which will also contribute to your five-a-day.
7. Chips
Kale chips can make a good alternative to potato chips. Photo / 123RF
While your standard pack of salt and vinegar chips won't count towards your five-a-day, there are brands out there that offer healthy alternatives.
Nim's Fruit Crisps are made by air drying fruit and vegetables and one serving makes up one portion of your five a day. The chips come in a variety of flavours including cucumber, pineapple and mango, and apple and kiwi.
8. Omelette
An omelette is a great way to get some extra veges into your day. Photo / 123RF
The BHF say an omelette is a great way of getting at least one portion of your five-a-day by adding onions, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, sweetcorn, peas, spinach and other vegetables to the egg mixture.