I've got a friend who is recently single, and while she's enjoying diving into the dating game, she admits she doesn't really know what she's doing. Does anyone, when it comes to dating? We're always being told what we should do - everything from trust your instincts, be yourself, and the ever important: analyse every piece of communication you receive with your close friends. There are other tips to remember: try avoid pash rash (no one likes having to awkwardly explain a peeling chin), never expect the other person will pay, relax and have fun, and, as my smug-married former colleague was always keen to point out, it'll be easy and natural if it's 'right'. Or something.
Anyway, one good thing to come out of going on dates is trying new food places you've always wanted to go to. And whilst you don't want to be slopping braised pork down your top on date number one, it's also unlikely you're going to be able to recreate that scene from Lady and the Tramp over hand pulled noodles. But my general philosophy on life and dating is that if something terrible is happening then at least it'll make for a good story. Like the time I went on a blind date with a guy about a foot shorter than me called Brian. He was wearing a terrible shirt and ordered a very expensive mojito, which took a good 10 minutes to prepare. My first gin was gone by the time he'd finished telling me where he worked and I think it's fair to say we had absolutely nothing in common. It was horrific, but recoiling the story to my friends afterwards led to a level of hilarity that made it all worthwhile. So keep that in mind if things aren't going well.
Here's eight great dates in Auckland city, especially if you love food.
1. Coco's Cantina
The gorgeously friendly and red-lipsticked service with a smile, and the unpretentious and delicious food make Coco's ideal for dinner dating. It's nice enough to feel a bit special, but accessible enough to neither break the bank nor intimidate with fancy white tablecloths. The hustle and bustle adds to the sense of excitement; a great date spot.