By Simone Mitchell
It's hard to imagine a brand that people are more evangelical about than Dyson.
I have endured countless conversations with friends where they wax lyrical about how their Dyson vacuum cleaner has changed their life. From the near-hysterical tones you would think this appliance had waltzed into their house, cooked them a nice dinner, bathed the kids, put them to bed and lovingly smoothed their hair as they fell asleep.
And let's not forget how everyone lost their mind when Dyson invented a fan that you can safely stick your arm in. We all felt like we were really living in the 21st century when that bad boy hit department store floors.
I have purchased two Dyson vacuum cleaners in my life, because I am a slow learner. And I'm here to declare that I think they are highly overrated. I am aware that this statement is as contentious as claiming you don't like puppies or Seinfeld.
When you float this unpopular opinion in conversation, people become very protective of their purchase. It feels like everyone has drunk the Kool-Aid when it comes to this particular brand. Perhaps people - myself included, until now - are too scared to admit that they got sucked in* and spent an extreme amount of money on a humble vacuum cleaner. So we justify its existence, and suck it up*.