The female-friendly crisps will also come in different packs - so they can fit in handbags more easily.
She said the company was looking to launch the product "soon", but it was unclear whether it would be released in NZ.
Miss Nooyi added: "It's not [a question of] male and female as much as are there snacks for women that can be designed and packaged differently?' And yes, we are looking at it, and we're getting ready to launch a bunch of them soon.
"For women [it's about] low-crunch, the full taste profile, not having so much of the flavour on the fingers and how can you put it in a purse. Because women love to carry a snack in their purse."
But the decision has been met with outrage - with people confused as to why it needs to be marketed to women.
One Twitter user questioned if the decision could be real - whilst another felt the decision to use '"exist stereotypes" was an advertising tactic.
If the product does hit the shelves in Britain, new laws will enable the Advertising Standards Authority to prohibit the crisps being branded as specifically for women. The concept was met with a mixed reaction last night.
The Women's Equality Party hit out at companies that perpetuate "tired gender stereotypes". "The idea of shrinking products for women is as old as the ad men making these decisions," said a spokesman.
Former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe defended the low-crunch version of the triangular corn snacks.
She told the Daily Telegraph: "I never lick my fingers in public or in private as I think its a ghastly habit.
"I think the idea of crisps for women is a bit daft, although I do think women are generally a bit fussier than men about these things. I am a cruncher, but I'm fussy about where I crunch. Bully for them [Doritos], they've introduced polite crisps."