Boutique beers on tap and brawny red wines set Don Kavanagh's taste buds a-tingle.
Winter is here at last! Let flags be unfurled and caps flung in the air.
That's perhaps a bit over the top, but after such a depressingly bad summer, it's nice to think that we are heading into a season that promises nothing at all, so any good days we get are bonuses.
The clock going back also means that it's time for winter drinks, something I try to avoid during summer, but after the one we've just had, who could blame me for dipping into the port, whisky and porter a bit early?
The best news I've heard recently is that Nelson's Sprig and Fern is opening a bar in Auckland. It's not that there aren't enough bars here already, it just means I can get my hands on their truly gorgeous Scotch Ale whenever I like, without having to venture out of town.