Don Kavanagh wonders why we're paying gold-plated prices for domestic beer.
With a fair bit of attention being given to DB's decision to increase its prices to the trade, I've been thinking about pricing. What really started it was a trip to town for a bite to eat and a few sociable libations at a variety of venues. After a couple of hours I realised how much money the little adventure had cost me.
There was a time, and it wasn't long ago, that $60 would see you through a pretty long night, but not now. My two-hour mini-tour of three bars included four beers, four soda waters and a couple of items from the snack menu that came to more than $85.
Why we should be paying $9.50 for a global brand brewed under licence here mystifies me.
Some places charge more than others and I have had the rather dubious experience of forking out up to $11 for a glass of domestic beer in a bar. Now that's just ripping the guts out of it and I can't see myself going back there.