However, participants whose colour vision is not excellent or perhaps suffer from colour blindness the test could prove rather challenging.
Those who ace the quiz will receive this message: 'Passing this test means you have incredible vision and you can easily discriminate between different hues.'
Playbuzz adds that the results suggest high motivation and creativity.
They say: "People who possess this type of vision tend to be highly-motivated individuals with strengths in tech, engineering, and creative fields.
"You have a brilliant imagination and you're able to think outside of the box."
For those who have superior colour vision being able to spot the darker colour should be relatively easy. Photo / Playbuzz
Those who fail to decipher between light and dark tones will be met with a different message.
It reads: "Based on this test, you should probably get your eyes tested. You may have severe color vision deficiency AKA color blindness.
In each set of six colours there is one hue darker than all of the rest and only those with superior colour vision will be able to see it. Photo / Playbuzz
"Although you can see colors, you have difficulty differentiating between particular shades of reds and greens."
The quiz suggests that those with poor colour vision may have a better grasp of words.
It says: "Lucky for you, you don't need to see all of the colors in the world to succeed at life. You are great with words and would make an excellent writer, reporter, or politician."