Everyone needs a hobby: the Hedgehog Rescuing League, stand-up paddleboarding, whatever.
My hobby is studying narcissism. I live in a good place for this. I go out to bars filled with those women who get blonder and thinner and wear more jewellery as love tokens. Absit iniuria verbis (no offence be taken please).
I go to Les Mills. There are lots of "somatic" narcissists there - people who generate "narcissistic supply" (a pathological or excessive need for attention or admiration) from their bodies. Politicians are usually cerebral narcissists who get their narcissistic supply manipulating others with their minds.
Insert a big apologetic shrug here: I'm acutely aware there is a vast difference between manifesting a few harmless narcissistic traits - yes, I posted a picture of my new Acne leather jacket on Facebook - and actually satisfying the criteria for a full-blown pathological condition of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder).
According to the DSM-V (shrink's bible) the narcissist lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognise or identify with the feelings and needs of others. The paradoxical thing is that people who have real NPD don't realise they do. So this can give the student of narcissism a secret birdwatching vibe, being able to spot details that others don't. See that guy over there with the statement glasses talking loudly about his property development: NPD or just a shithat? And don't forget that all male achievement is ultimately just a courtship display.