Read more: 10 harmful 'healthy' foods
3. Peanut butter
It may be high in fat, but that doesn't mean it will make you fat. Peanut butter is a power-food packed with protein, fibre and b-vitamins. It's also a great alternative to margarine. However, be warned it has a high caloric load so don't go eating the whole jar. Instead, use it as a dip or add a spoonful to a shake to boost the nutritional value of what you're eating.
4. Red meat
There's a lot of hype and hoopla tangled around red meat with its debatable tags for promoting some cancers and cardiovascular disease. But this doesn't mean it's bad for you, after all, humans have been eating it for thousands of years. Meat is loaded with protein, vitamins and minerals, including iron, an essential nutrient that helps to transport oxygen around your body. Eating a few palm-sized servings a week can do wonders for your health. However, processed meat - like sausages, bacon, ham and salami - does seem to be more harmful and is more strongly linked to some cancers and heart disease, so it's wise to limit how much of the fake stuff you have.
5. Chocolate
Full of fat and sugar, plus it tastes amazing - so it must be bad for you, right? Well, not exactly. Dark chocolate is an exception and the darker the better. It's very nutritious and full of minerals, including iron, magnesium, copper and manganese. Eating small amounts can also have powerful antioxidant effects and be protective against heart disease. Like all treat foods, don't eat the block, savor a few squares after dinner.
6. Coffee
Too much coffee can make you jittery and affect sleep. However, caffeine boasts some health benefits that could help you live longer. Many of the nutrients in the coffee bean make it in to your flat white, including b-vitamins, manganese and potassium. There's some evidence to show coffee drinkers are protected against type-2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and some cancers. Plus, coffee is a great source of antioxidants. But, don't chain drink coffees all day, one of two espressos is enough depending on your tolerance. And, if you're pregnant, it's best to avoid it all together.
7. Nuts
Like most fatty food, nuts are often thought of as an unhealthy addition to your diet. However, nuts are a great source of unsaturated fats, vitamins, fibre and antioxidants - all powerful protectors against cardiovascular disease. Almonds provide vitamin E, walnuts include heart healthy omega-3's and eating only two Brazil nuts a day is enough to get your selenium requirements. The fat, fibre and protein can also help regulate your appetite so you eat less. They're nature's gifts and are a great or addition to any salad or for a small snack.