The country is on lockdown and the only place most of us will be going to relieve our cabin fever is the supermarket. We all need food and nothing gives a sense of normalcy like a stroll down the cereal aisle. However, as we are all trying to keep ourselves safe and stop any further transmission of Covid-19, what should we be thinking about before we head out?
The answer is "anything we touch", and that starts with the shopping trolley. If you are able to wipe down the handle surface of your trolley or basket with soapy water or sanitiser before you touch it then that will minimise your risk. While some supermarkets may provide that facility on-site, keeping a damp, soapy paper towel in a sandwich bag on your shopping trips will give you more confidence that the surfaces you are touching are safer.
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Research suggests that the virus can exist on cardboard food packaging for about a day, and on plastic and metals for up to three days. The safest thing to do to protect yourself is to assume that an infected person has been into the supermarket before you and coughed on everything in store. While this is (thankfully) unlikely, it should hopefully put you in the mindset that a supermarket shop needs to be taken seriously.