While many freelancers are used to working from their sofa, others who are used to leaving the house every day are struggling to adjust to the double-edged sword of remote work, and are sharing some of their tips and commiserating on their struggles through posts and memes.
Coronavirus: Working from home? Is your new office as funny as these workers'?
Memes are great at uniting people in a time of crisis because they create an extra barrier between the poster and audience, allowing them to express their vulnerabilities and worries through the protective shield of irony that posting online provides.
Whether this is good for long-term mental health is a source of debate online, as the irony-poisoned argue and struggle to decide whether they are fine and having a laugh or their brains are in fact broken.
For most, the solution seems to be continuing to meekly "post through it".
We previously saw a surge in coronavirus-related memes in relation to the recent toilet paper crisis.
It's likely we will see plenty more as the pandemic continues.
• Covid19.govt.nz: The Government's official Covid-19 advisory website