The "gluten-free" bag of Covid-free air is up to more than $80,000 - and counting. Photo / Trade Me
The "gluten-free" bag of Covid-free air is up to more than $80,000 - and counting. Photo / Trade Me
A Hamilton student is selling a bag of "Covid-free air" on Trade Me and the auction is currently at $80,200 - with three days still to go on it.
More than 2000 people have added the listing to their watchlist and, according to Trade Me, most Kiwis are enjoying the "tongue in cheek" nature of the auction.
The seller says he decided to share his "gift of Covid-free air with the world" after testing negative for the virus.
"The news of level 2 lockdown came as shock to me," he wrote in the listing.
"During my unnecessary panic, I decided to get a test. After testing negative, I figured I'd share my gift of Covid free air with the world.
"Enjoy this free-range, gluten-free bag of air from the lungs of a 100 per cent New Zealand made boy," he added.
Answering more than 200 questions since the auction started, the Hamilton teen guarantees the air is 100 per cent Made in New Zealand: "I stood next to a tree to make sure the breath I inhaled was all my natural. Due to the fact it came unfiltered from the lungs of a New Zealand born citizen I can assure you that this product is 100 per cent New Zealand."
He added that the bag itself was "recycled" after being used to carry chips.
He also says the photos show the bag is "packed to the brim with Covid-free air".
The seller says the air is "Made in New Zealand". Photo / Trade Me
The seller explained that, if the auction does run its course, he will give the proceeds to charity.
"This may be the only serious response I ever give. If I even claim money for this auction, 100 per cent of all proceeds will be go to a charity that helps the areas affected most by Covid-19," he wrote.
"However, if this gets even more out of hand, I may withdraw the auction entirely. It's just a good laugh at the end of the day."
According to Trade Me's acting head of trust and safety Logan Mudge, the company has received a few complaints about the auction but most people see its funny side and are joining in for "a bit of a laugh".
Mudge told 1 News the auction is "not everyone's cup of tea but clearly it's giving some Kiwis some pleasure".
He also explained that a winning bid is a legal contract between the seller and the bidder and Trade Me will contact the bidders if necessary.
If anyone wishes to complain about an auction, Mudge urge them to use the "Community Watch" button at the bottom of the listing.