My Kitchen Rules' celebrity chef Pete Evans has released his controversial baby Paleo cookbook, Bubba Yum Yum: The Paleo Way for new mums, babies & toddlers, online.
Bubba Yum Yum was made available as e-book on Thursday.
The cover of Pete Evans' recently released Paleo book for kids. Photo / Bubba Yum Yum
My Kitchen Rules' celebrity chef Pete Evans has released his controversial baby Paleo cookbook, Bubba Yum Yum: The Paleo Way for new mums, babies & toddlers, online.
Bubba Yum Yum was made available as e-book on Thursday.
It was going to be published in hard copy by Pan Macmillan in March but was scrapped after health experts warned some of the recipes could harm infants.
A DIY baby formula, which contains blended liver, bone broth and oils, seriously concerned dietitians.
Evans and his co-writers, blogger Charlotte Carr and naturopath and nutritionist Helen Padarin, decided to go it alone and self-publish Bubba Yum online.
The book has shone a spotlight on the Paleo diet and on Evans preaching its benefits.
It's drawn criticism the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) which has at least acknowledged "that there are some good aspects of the Paleo Diet".
The DAA say their members have been "attacked" for speaking out against the Paleo diet because of their concerns that it deviates from recognised nutritional guidelines.
"However, our primary concern is that some aspects of the Paleo Diet are inconsistent with the Commonwealth Department of Health's Australian Dietary Guidelines (ADGs)," they said in a statement.
"DAA is disappointed that our Association and our members are being attacked by vocal advocates of the Paleo Diet."
A recipe for Baby Building Broth is included in the foods recommended for babies aged 6-12 months.
According to these are some of more notable, or ridiculous, recipes.
1. A good egg: A recipe for boiled egg yolk.
2. Onion poultice: This simple old-fashioned recipe works well to ease the pain of earaches, as well as helping to ease chest congestion. Place over the ear or chest for at least 5 minutes.
3. Happy Tummy Brew: The infamous bone broth formula has been renamed and re-sold with a warning its unsuitable for babies under 6-months-old. The recipe is questioned by experts.
4. Soft-boiled eggs with salmon roe: Pete Evans daughters Indii and Chilli just adore caviar, so naturally, he believes your children will too.
5. Dirty vs clean fruits & vegetables: This isn't a recipe, but Bubba Yum Yum's food shaming also extends to fruits and vegetables.
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