Tertiary education:
BSc Physiology Otago, Bsc Chiro Auckland.
How long have you been in your role?
16 years.
Why did you choose a career in chiropractic?
Chiropractic appealed to me from a young age, because I wanted to help people naturally, and not sit behind a desk to do it.
Chiropractic is awesome! It has a vitalistic philosophy, meaning that you are assisting people regain and maintain health by working with their natural ability to do this. We are natural health facilitators.
What does a normal day/week look like for you?
I live in Mangawhai at the moment and work out of two practices. Mudgway in Whangarei and another in Mangawhai a couple of mornings a week.
Is the job what you thought it would be?
It's great, you get to interact with lots of different people. Babies to elderly, athletes and most of the workforce.
What is the most rewarding thing about your job?
Seeing people change, get well and live the life they want to.
What is the most challenging thing about your job?
Sometimes staying on time - I get really interested in the people and case I'm working with.
What is your career highlight to date?
Owning my own multidisciplinary clinic in Christchurch for the last 10 years.
What advice would you give those considering a chiropractic career?
If you love helping people – go for it.
What is your personal mission statement/motto that you live by in your career?
Leave things better than you find them.
What skills do you think are valuable in your industry?
An interest in people, health and ability to communicate and have fun.
What is a common misconception about the industry/career?
That we only treat sore backs. Chiropractic restores neurological integrity to a person's system, as a result we see huge changes in people's health. People sleep better, have less sick days, digestion improves, balance improves, headaches can resolve, relationships often improve. Life is just better with a healthy spine and nervous system.