Kids are demanding everything from iPads to large sums of cash from the Tooth Fairy. Photo / Getty Images
Kids are demanding everything from iPads to large sums of cash from the Tooth Fairy. Photo / Getty Images
Most people will remember waking up as a child to find that much-anticipated 50 cent coin under their pillow after losing a milk tooth.
But it seems times have changed, as youngsters in 2016 are demanding everything from cash to iPads from the beleaguered tooth fairy - with some even demanding their teeth back.
In a letter dated May 3rd, a girl named Hannah told the mythical creature she would "really like it" if she could be gifted "at least 10 dollars".
She reasoned: "If not you can give me 5 dollars, they can be in ones. Anyway don't mind the blood. And watch out, I have strep throat so it may have germs. Please don't put my tooth in any dentures you make!"
Proving that money isn't everything, one youngster made the adorable request for "unused pixy dust" instead of cash.
And it seems Lexi soon tired of her parents' foolish games after they spent years masquerading as the tooth fairy and Father Christmas.
"I don't believe in the tooth fairy anymore," she wrote. "I know it's you who gets the money and puts it under my pillow, Mom and Dad. I'm sorry if this is hard for you, but I'm nine now. (PS). I don't believe in Santa Claus either."
Another youngster did a complete 180, writing: "Dear tooth fairy, may I have my teeth back I miss them a lot. Sorry tooth fairy."
Meanwhile, Angelina wrote a sincere explanation as to why her tooth was missing.
"I had a loose tooth," she penned. "And when I woke up I realized I swallowed it. Well I don't know if I swallowed it or not, it fell out of my mouth somewhere, sorry I don't have a tooth to trade, but I still lose it. Please understand."
Keily was another youngster who had a change of heart about the trade-off, writing: "I want my teeth that I have lost. All of them."
She was no doubt shocked to receive a handwritten reply from the tooth fairy that read: "Then I need my dollars back all of them."
Photo / Reddit
One tot who knew exactly what they wanted demanded: "This time instead of change can u tell my mom to give money for 'app store' write your response here."
Jennifer E appeared to be livid at the mythical character, writing: "(Not very) Dear T.F., This is the second time you've done this. You forgot me. So if you're not going to come, then I'm going to keep my own teeth. You are through collecting teeth from Jennifer from now on I'm keeping my own teeth."
She added a bitter post script at the end which read: "PS. Keep collecting from Mike, though. Obviously you like him better."
One girl named Lily was full of apologies after losing her tooth at school, begging: "I rely want money (sic.)".
Meanwhile, Haylee appeared to be getting to the end of her tether. She blasted: "It has been four days of putting my tooth under my pillow and on my desk. I am getting sick and tired of it. I would really like it if you just did what you are supposed to do."
She added: "Ps. I am not being rude. You could write if you want."
A money-savvy youngster asked for an iPad, while one made the bold claim that their teeth were worth "a thousand dollars". They added: "But u can have them for 2 dollars or more."
Photo / Reddit
Another begged the tooth fairy not to take their teeth at all but still wanted the cash. "Just give me the money cha ching," they wrote.
One cash-strapped child complained they had been waiting for almost three weeks for their cash reimbursement.
"You owe me $1," the wrote. "Not to be hard but I need money."
Another kid in the same predicament came up with an ingenious solution: drawing a picture of their missing tooth.
They wrote: "Sorry, I lost my tooth like I can't find it. Please don't be mean about it."
Michael also claimed to have lost his tooth and begged: "I swallowed it on accident. I swear I telling the truth. Can you give me some money please thank you."
Ancer, meanwhile, told how theirs had fallen down the drain. In a painstakingly illustrated note, they wrote: "Will you PLES still give me a doler (sic.)?"
Photo / Reddit
In a heartwarming message, a boy named Allister explained he had held back on putting his tooth under the pillow so that the tooth fairy could meet Father Christmas.
A recent survey found that tooth fairy is now paying out up to as much as £10 per tooth - meaning some children are receiving around £200 for their full set of baby teeth.
Parents in the UK are now leaving £5 or £10 notes under their children's pillows instead of the more traditional coins as youngsters feel the benefits of the economic up-turn.
The study found that around one in ten children get £10 per tooth with parents in London likely to pay out the most due to inflation and wage increases.