The Cancer Society wants smoking banned by next year at Auckland's publicly owned outdoor dining areas.
In calling for a ban with legal teeth, the society's Auckland division is tagging on to the rewrite and merging of eight street-trading bylaws by the Auckland Council and its transport organisation. A panel of councillors is hearing submissions on the bylaw.
The council's current smokefree policy largely relies on signs and the voluntary restraint of smokers at an increasing number of public places, such as sports fields, train stations and, from next year, civic plazas. But it also commits council members to deciding in 2016 if a bylaw is necessary to achieve the last stages of the plan, making areas including beaches, urban centres and al-fresco dining areas smokefree in 2018.
"A bylaw means you take it more seriously," said Cancer Society Auckland chief executive John Loof.
Smoking was prohibited indoors at bars, restaurants and cafes 10 years ago today by the Smoke-free Environments Amendment Act, but is still permitted in outdoor areas.