Phone: (09) 520 2900
Online: Open: Sat 8am-11pm, Sun 8am-3pm, Mon/Tues 7.30am-4pm, Wed-Fri 7.30am-11pm
We spent: $57.50 for two adults and two kids
Just around the corner from a large shoppers' carpark, Remuera Local demands little in the way of pedestrian effort. The cafe divides into two discrete sections at the front and back of the longish, narrowish room divided by the bar area. There are more seats at the back and, on the day we went, it was the more heavily populated section, but the front is where the natural light is, and it seems the more attractive proposition. The decor is conservative and the music is easy. Jewel's inoffensive classic, Foolish Games, was playing when we first arrived and before we left Bette Midler's The Rose also got an airing.