Address: 159 Symonds St, Eden Tce
Phone: (09) 377 5988
Open: Mon-Fri 7.30am-3pm, Saturday 9am-4pm
We spent: $43.20 for two
I love Symonds St. It's the gritty, surprising edge of town where you can buy a kite surf, have dinner at the French Cafe, buy a bike or visit a pawn shop and a whole lot other interesting in between. Right at the end - the K Rd end, that is - is a cafe that seems slightly out of step with the predominantly grunge-vibe: a pristine, humble little place that feels, well, like the Pollyanna imposter. It's like stumbling into somewhere holy in the middle of Kings Cross at 2am. Once Strangers has all the right "ticks" in terms of being on trend (terrarium, lots of white, white chairs, clean) but it's very bright and stark. Host-wise, you couldn't ask for more. All smiles. Miles of them. But it's 11am and so quiet that you an almost hear the crisp white walls whispering "where is everyone?" Parking is a bit dodgy, but Benedict St is a good option if you don't mind a stroll around the corner.