Open: Mon-Fri, 7am-3pm. Sat, 7.30am-3pm. Closed Sunday.
Phone: 021 188 5220
We spent: $52.50 for two
Set up & site: To me, a desk-bound worker of shifts, breakfast is a thing you do on Sunday mornings. It's a social leisure activity to linger over with people you choose to spend time with rather than people who happen to have the same skills as you that someone else is prepared to pay for and give you a place to sit while you exercise said skills.
But, on a rare weekday off, in another part of town, I discovered that people actually enjoy breakfast during the week, sometimes with friends, often with colleagues, even more often with people they want to exchange time and money with in deals that will earn them both more time and money. And that is the crowd we met at Husk, on Manukau Rd in Epsom.

It's a middle-sized cafe, offering middle-sized meals for a slightly above middle-sized price. Its middle-of-the-road crowd seemed to be business people discussing deals or colleagues meeting to gossip about other colleagues. Brightly coloured squabs and pale wood furniture from the blue-green palette give Husk a summer vibe, even as autumn leaves drifted down on the street outside. We found parking almost directly across the road but that might be a problem during the morning rush.