Michelle looks fantastic after loosing 44kg in her quest to have a baby. Photo / Michael Scott, Caters News
Michelle looks fantastic after loosing 44kg in her quest to have a baby. Photo / Michael Scott, Caters News
Michelle Caswell, 33, from Coventry, West Mids, weighed a staggering 19st 4lbs (122kg) after binging on fast food every evening.
Due to her size 24 frame, the mum-of-two was diagnosed with poly cystic ovaries and struggled to conceive naturally.
After suffering the heartache of two miscarriages in the space of nine months, Michelle blamed herself and knew she needed to ditch her unhealthy lifestyle.
Michelle out with friends prior to loosing weight. Photo / Michael Scott, Caters News
But it was during a visit to her GP when Michelle was left humiliated - she was handed a weight loss referral leaflet, something that kick-started her weight loss mission.
After losing six stone (38 kg), Michelle miraculously fell pregnant again and gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Theo, now one.
Michelle, a Slimming World consultant, said: "After the heartbreak of losing two babies I never thought I would try again, and if I hadn't turned my life around I would never have had Theo.
Michelle prior to her weight loss transformation. Photo / Caters News
"Not only was my size taking its toll on my relationship but I also suffered two miscarriages.
"The first at nine weeks pregnant and the second at 16 weeks, I was in complete denial at first that it could have been linked to my size.
"I didn't want the losses we experienced to be in vain and I decided to get myself healthy again for the sake of my family.
Michelle with her family. Photo / Caters News
"Thankfully all of the hard work paid off and after losing the weight I needed, I fell pregnant with Theo, we are so lucky to have him."
Michelle had always been uncomfortable with her weight however it wasn't until she began trying for children that she realised it had taken its toll on her health.
She added: "After having my first child, Sophie, now 13, when I was 19 I struggled to lose my baby weight and reached my heaviest of 19st 4lbs.
"During my second pregnancy I was diagnosed with poly cystic ovaries, I also had high blood pressure and I was placed under a high risk consultant due to my BMI.
"I became ashamed of my body, I didn't eat out because I didn't want people to see me in restaurants and I hated food shopping as I wanted to hide what I was putting in my trolley.
Michelle and son Theo shortly after giving birth. Photo / Caters
"I didn't even try to lose weight for my wedding in 2011, I accepted that I was big and I knew I would never be the perfect bride."
And after falling pregnant in January 2014, Michelle sadly experienced her first miscarriage.
Six months later, Michelle fell pregnant again however suffered a second miscarriage, but this time she was 16 weeks along.
She added: "At the 12 week scan everything looked great, we told the children and the rest of our family and started to buy everything new for the baby."
Michelle felt too embarrassed to go on a family holiday. Photo / Caters
Following the tragedies, Michelle and Chris booked a holiday of a lifetime to Disney World however Michelle worried about her size.
Michelle said: "When we booked a holiday to Florida I was dreading the thought of walking around the parks, fitting on the rides and even the aeroplane seat belt fitting.
"I ditched my late night binges and joined the gym, I set myself a goal and I was determined to reach 15st before our holiday.
"I reached my goal the week before we flew and we had the best holiday, after everything had been through we just needed to get away."
Michelle Caswell lost seven stone to have her baby son, Theo. Photo / Michael Scott, Caters News
After losing a further two stone, Michelle fell pregnant at the start of 2015, to her astonishment her BMI was lower than ever and she no longer needed the extra check-ups.