There's been some confusion in our house lately over some of the things the kids have come out with.
Specifically, our three-year-old boy came home from daycare telling me he had been playing "minges" with the other boys. I was stunned. All the kids at daycare seem lovely and sweet. Which one of these kids has parents who speak to them like that?
Then I chuckled. I hadn't heard that word in many, many years. So I was sure it hadn't been me. But what if I have said it and can't remember? In front of the kids, though. Really?
I'm half way through my third pregnancy so I haven't been drinking. But my memory isn't great right now regardless… would I use THAT word? One can never be sure.
As I tried to recall if I may have actually used this vulgar term for vagina, our boy added: "Yeah, we played night minges."
That sort of gives it a more sinister spin. Night minges?