Lash serums are a category of beauty product that has gone from nowhere to a definite trend in just a few years. Anecdotal feedback on what are essentially lash conditioners ranges from their being amazing to a waste of time and money. Most contain peptides said to stimulate lusher, longer lash growth in as little as two weeks.
Prices vary widely, despite some, including those we feature today, having remarkably similar ingredient lists, albeit with different peptides or complexes thereof.
If you are interested in trying a lash conditioner, do seek personal recommendations and avoid buying anything unfamiliar off the internet. Be particularly cautious about products that either are very cheap or comparatively expensive and of uncertain origin. Be sceptical of those vague about their ingredients but boastful of their success.
That said, most lash products should not do any major damage. They do contain preservatives, parabens in some cases, so may cause minor skin irritations in some people, and sometimes too many lashes sprout at odd angles, but the widespread scare stories about eyelid and eye discolouration seem to track back to the one product that has actually gone through the regulatory hoops for sale as something more than a cosmetic.
That is Latisse, which is often prescribed to cancer patients, and is alone in having gained rigorous American FDA approval.