A new report has revealed that many Australians still hold unsettling and outdated beliefs in regards to violence against women and sexual assault.
Australia may like to be seen as a progressive nation but a new report by Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS) has revealed we are actually slipping backwards in certain areas relating to how women are viewed in our society.
The National Community Attitudes toward Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) collects information from 17,500 Australians aged 16 and over and aims to gain an accurate understand of the beliefs held by all different types of Australians, reports news.com.au.
Findings from the survey is released every four years, with the 2017 data released today and the previous one being published in 2013.
While there were a number of positive improvements, such as increased support for gender equality and a greater understanding of what violence against women is, there are still some deeply disturbing attitudes held by a large part of the population.