The best installations at this years Auckland Food Show.
By Liana Thaggard
Your current foodie obsessions may be kimchi burgers, kombucha and doughnuts pumped full of glittered cream, but once you're over those, what will you be eating - and Instagramming - next?
We checked out the annual Auckland Food Show for a taste of the next big things in food and dining.
From wild turmeric juice to Al Brown's new fresh fish daily delivery service, here are our top picks for what's going to be fashionable on the food scene.
The trend of ditching processed food in favour of healthy whole foods has been on the rise for a while. And as you can see from these new products, it's showing no signs of slowing down any time soon.
In 2015 Olelei, was created by a group of students from a Young Enterprise Scheme at Henderson High School.
The group have now turned their range of almond milk ice cream and yoghurts into a full fledged company. This year they've refined their range by releasing their own almond milk and flour.
We reckon these youngsters are on to something that's set to continue to rise this year.
Good Buzz have created a cold brew cofee kombucha. Photo / Good Buzz
You'll likely be familiar with kombucha, the fermented beverage said to have more health benefits than coffee, has been a rising trend. This year one Food Show exhibitor, Good Buzz Kombucha, has stepped it up a notch by combining cold brew coffee with the fermented concoction and we can't wait to try it.
• Turmeric juice
Samoa Wild Turmeric juice boasts a range of health benefits. Photo / ELife
Another drink worth looking out for is Samoa wild turmeric juice. Turmeric has been used for medicinal purposes for years but it's pungent taste can be a little hard to stomach. E-Life have created a fresh, tasty turmeric beverage rich in antioxidants that boasts a range of anti-inflammatory properties.
On the food front, celebrity chef Simon Gault has created a completely sugar-free tomato sauce; Gault's Tomato Ketchup is 100 per cent sweetened by veggies.
The chef told NZH Focus that sauce has no white sugar, which he calls "the evil death."
"We've just sweetened it with vegetables and it tastes just like ketchup. The proof's in the pudding."
This is the newest cheese trend to hit NZ, and we are totally on board. Raclette cheese is a Swiss staple where a block of cheese is melted and oozingly dripped on to a variety of dishes.
Melt has bought the ingenious idea to Auckland and is serving up melty cheese at their Food Show booth all weekend for you to indulge in.
Why would you leave the house when you can have every meal of the day delivered?
You can now get everything from smoothie ingredients delivered for breakfast, to fresh seafood for lunch, to recipe boxes in the evening.
Well-known chef Al Brown has a new business called Freshcatch for those of us who want fresh fish delivered to our doors, six days a week.
"It's about freshness meeting convenience," says Brown.
"It's about getting people to eat the other fish. It's not just all about snapper and blue cod. [It's about] trying to get people to understand that trevally is wonderful ... a lot of it's about teaching people how to cook other fish."
Visit Al Brown's Freshcatch booth to find out more about getting fresh fish delivered to your doorstep.
Or, if want to make cooking at home the easiest it has ever been, stop by the Cook's Night Off and Woop! stalls for more information on pre-made meals delivered straight to your door.
Environmentally sustainable products are on the up as the world realises the impact of plastic usage: At present we're looking at seven billion tonnes of the stuff stuck on Earth.
Try beeswax-infused wrap in place of cling film. Photo / BeeWrapt!
Amid the food and drinks, you'll find some ingenious new cooking and eating products that won't add to the world's mountains of rubbish.
Ditch plastic for stainless steel straws for your kids' parties or your daily smoothies with this creation made by Kiwi brand CaliWoods. What's better is that they even come with their own handy cleaning brush.
Try milk in a traditional glass bottle, with the cream that rises to the top. Photo / Aunty Jean's Dairy
Buy milk that comes in traditional glass bottles from Aunt Jean's Dairy, or try BeeWrapt!, beeswax-infused wraps that can be used in place of cling film.
The Food Show Auckland is on from 27 - 30 July 2017. Online tickets start at $26 adults, $14 for under 12s, while under 5s are free. More info and tickets from