You are gluttonous when it comes to travel. And champagne. Tell me more.
My first time in Florence, I wanted to eat the local food, I wanted to drink the local wine, I wanted to climb the Duomo. I wanted to understand why the Italians drink wine with lunch. That flavour spectrum is about their identity, the local ingredients, the culture at play and the importance of the simple ritual of dining and drinking. Gluttony [as a word] is very judgmental when, in actual fact, you could say we are beholden as people to enjoy the day, to make the most of the bountiful riches we have. My ridiculous weakness is for the furious and beguiling pop of champagne - the tumultuous bead and the hint of absolution.
What are some cultures that you are hungry to experience?
I've just come back from six days in Sydney and it became very apparent to me just walking the streets - because I love to walk, to walk is to know something - that I did not see one Aboriginal face, I saw very few Islanders, no Māori, and I was gripped by this idea that Auckland is the epicentre of the Pacific. I know we have always given lip service to Auckland being the Polynesian capital of the world, but in Sydney last week I got this visceral sense that what is so special about Auckland is how thrillingly Pacific we are, and what a great thing it is. I would love to see more Pacific restaurants. I am greedy for more Aucklandness in the local experience.