Hundreds of women have praised Lady Gaga for her body confidence. Photo / Getty
Hundreds of women have praised Lady Gaga for her body confidence. Photo / Getty
Lady Gaga's fans have taken aim at trolls who criticised her appearance during the Superbowl on Sunday. One wrote: "I just feel like Gaga's dough should've been tucked in better."
Hundreds of women have hit back, praising singer for her body confidence. "Lady Gaga got up there with her real body without a perfectly flat stomach or airbrush" said one. Others called her a 'great role model for girls'.
In a world of celebrity Photoshopping, Gaga was a breath of fresh air. Here, we list some of the worst examples of famous women being airbrushed when - let's face it - there was really no need...
Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid
Kendall and Gigi's strangest magazine cover yet. Photo / W magazine
In W magazine's 10th anniversary issues, Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid were seemingly left without knees due to excessive retouching. Other photos from the issue showed them digitally edited to look like 'humanoid pets' - but the absence of knee caps on the cover looks like a fail to us.
This image in Vogue China was criticised for removing part of Victoria Beckham's thigh.
But the magazine's editor confirmed it was an "optical illusion" - though she said the image had been retouched.
Photo / Instagram
Model Zendaya called out Modeliste magazine for photoshopping her curves.
She forced the magazine to pull their issue and slammed them for slimming down her "19-year-old hips and body".
Diane Keaton
It was unfortunate that an ad featuring a very airbrushed Keaton ran alongside her appearance at the Golden Globes. Photos / AP, L'Oreal
Diane Keaton appeared on stage at the Golden Globes in 2014 with a naturally aged face, but in the L'Oreal ad that screened during the ad break, she looked totally different.
Viewers accused L'Oreal of Photoshopping her wrinkles away.
Photo / Twitter
Singer Lorde noticed people photoshopping her skin to hide her acne and called them out for it.
"I find this curious - two photos from today, one edited so my skin is perfect and one real," she tweeted. "Remember flaws are ok :-)"