Something remarkable has happened: Former UK football star Gary Lineker, formerly known as Serious Ladies' Man Gary Lineker, revealed in an interview that "he is not massively into sex".
Honestly, you could have knocked us down with a feather. Gary Lineker "not massively into sex" is one of those bombshells that rock your world view - like Elton John retires to Stornaway or Mary Berry does glamour shoot with Rebel Wilson. It goes against everything we think we know to be true.
This is why, intentionally or not, Lineker has done something very smart: he's pricked the last bubble in the macho stereotype bubble cluster and, by personally admitting something that doesn't fit At All with the alpha male sportsman image, he has made himself seem more sophisticated and human and also - let's face it - super confident.
Meanwhile, the Lineker revelation is a timely reminder that there are many things men think that they choose to keep quiet for their own reasons, and we might be better off knowing what those are.
For example: They think quite a bit about footwear, in particular whether they are too old for trainers. They also think about tucking in, more than you'd imagine, and appropriate degrees of party shirt. They care as much about looking middle-aged and sad as women do.