Summer Sebastian has revealed that she will continue to work in a brothel throughout her pregnancy in a candid blog. Photo / Moonlite Bunny Ranch
Summer Sebastian has revealed that she will continue to work in a brothel throughout her pregnancy in a candid blog. Photo / Moonlite Bunny Ranch
A sex worker has revealed that she plans to continue her job throughout her pregnancy in a candid blog post.
Summer Sebastian, 30, works at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada where men can legally pay for sexual services.
Summer, who is now entering her second trimester, has revealed that she will continue to work throughout her pregnancy to fund her medical school fees, reports the Daily Mail.
She is expecting her first child with her partner, who at 70 is 40 years her senior, and says she hopes her decision to work will make a "statement".
However experts have warned Summer's decision could risk her health and that of her unborn baby.
Sleeping with multiple men when pregnant can make sex difficult and Summer is increasing her risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease which could be extremely dangerous for her unborn child.
However, the sex worker appears unconcerned and instead has even admitted that she hopes to fulfill some of her client's pregnancy fantasies.
Writing in her blog on the Moonlite website, Summer said: "I loved working here before, with my average sex drive, and I am lovin' it even more now that I have all of these hormones pumping!"
Summer, who has four years left to finish her master's degree in forensic pathology, said that she hopes her decision will pave the way for future expectant sex workers.
Summer uses her sex work to pay for her masters degree where she is studying forensic pathology. Photo / Twitter
She continued: "I want to make a statement that supports the right of a woman to choose ... to work as a prostitute while pregnant.
"And, if I can make it any easier for the next working girl to make the choice to work while expecting, then more power to her."
Since sharing her post, in which she suggested she would like to "accommodate" pregnancy fantasies, she has been inundated with emails from readers.
"I'm very surprised, actually, how many people contacting me [are] interested sexually in that."